Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Here she goes, I caught her doing a 360!
It was our first time to meet the playgroup and so far so good! Morgan loved it!!
Ok, I think a fit is coming on!!

Morgan and Zach were playing with the blocks together! What a awsome site!!

Now I know that Morgan is almost always smiling for the camera - so when I finally caught her throwing a fit I just had to post it! LOL
Look who's mixin' it up in the kitchen!
Look at her go!
Ok, Morgan is finished in the kitchen. She has thrown her spoon and cup on the floor already!
Yep, she got what she wanted. Out of her exersaucer and now we are ready to terrorize the living room once again!
No more pictures please! I hate messy pictures!
I feel a nap coming on soon!
Ok you can wipe my face as long as I get to lick the bib! haha
I feel like I am in the chair all the time!
Morgan is getting ready for her bath!
Wait a minute, she noticed that her new diapers have a big picture of Pooh on them!
Oh no, losing balance!
Going down, timber!!
Nope, Morgan will never go down without a fight!!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

This is my new trick! I have figured out that if I use my arm this way I can set myself up!!
Did I also tell you that I can already read? I just let my dad read to me so he can feel good about him self! haha
Sometimes when I try really hard I can make crazier faces than my Mom!

We are one big happy family. We all love to play and read and take lots of pictures!!
Here is Daddy and Morgan on Christmas Day!
Three sisters = Celeste, Melissa and Annette (love that shirt Annette!)
Uncle Glen is in the background cheering his team on. As you can see very clearly I am still breast feeding and no matter if I put my arms around my sisters or leave them down there is just no getting away from noticing my over the sholder bolder holders!
The ladies!
Morgan and Moma, kinda looks like Morgan wants to know if it's time to go home yet! haha
Finally my mom lets me play with someone my own size! Here is my second cousin Landon. He is closer to my own size but I still haven't decided if I like him or not! I think he feels the same way about me!
Here we are at Aunt Scharlotte's house and Mamaw Barbara is holding me while I watch my second-cousin Emily decorate Christmas cookies.
As you can see I may be little but I still have very low tolerance for cousins who don't share their cookies with me! haha
Here I am again as usual, I know I am a camera hog, but at least this time you see me and Mamaw with my big cousin Ashley, she is really cool!
Here is a group pic with my Mamaw of course (she never puts me down, and I wonder if it has something to do with us sharing the same name? hmmm). Anyways, besides us is my awesome cousin Abbey and my big second-cousin Deanna! They were making Christmas ornaments but I only got to watch.
Morgan, where are you going so dressed up?
I am going with Moma to go play Bunko! See even Miss Peggy thinks I am a hit at the party!!!
Morgan loves to pose for the camera.
Is she a ham or what??

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Here is a great picture of Morgan with her Uncle Scott and Aunt Karen.
Oh no! Looks like it's time to go home becuase someone is getting sleepy!
Next stop we went to Grammy and Pop's house the Saturday before Christmas to celebrate with them!
Melissa got a Old Navy gift card!
Morgan got a little leaps video game system!
And finally Stephen was totally surprised when he opened his Xbox 360!
We decided to open up gifts a few days early. And Morgan was more than happy about that!
Her blocks are her most favorite toys to date!
Morgan liked the wrapping alright but the bows really kept her interest the most!
Now I know you might think she looks spoiled rotten here, but this is all we got her this year. Four gifts total and all under $30, so I was pretty proud of myself.