Thursday, August 30, 2007

It is never boring in the Allen household, Morgan keeps us entertained!! Oh and there she is again in another pair of shoes that don't quite fit her yet! haha

Morgan went to the dentist for the first time this summer. She wasn't sure if she was going to like it or not but after her check up she really enjoyed picking out a toy and getting all the attention from the nurses!

Morgan took swim lessons at the YMCA this summer and Mamaw Barbarba came to watch her practice. As you can see she wasn't too happy when we got out of the pool, I think she is going to become a little fish!

We took Morgan to Galveston for the first time! She loved it.

A few of Morgan's favorite things: Climbing on furniture, reading books, hanging out with POP, showing the world her belly button and being outside!!!

I just love the way Morgan throws her arms back when she runs. She is such a goof!! These days we are working on eating more solid foods and as you can see it's just as messy! Finally, there's Morgan again wearing mama's shoes! That little stinker loves her shoes!

Morgan loves her dog Bobo, she loves to play with her friends AND their toys! Did I also mention that she loves to wear her moma's shoes???

Morgan loves mama's shoes, getting into clothes baskets and emptying cabnets! Oh! And making funny faces!!