Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's so hard to tell how the weather is going to be here so I ended up buying Morgan a semi heavy coat for if the weather does surprise us one morning. She loves it. I was so happy it matched her new pink boots!

Morgan got her 18mo shots on Oct 10th. She was not a happy camper, so when we got home first I stripped her as you can see in the kitchen picture, then I put a dress on her so not to have nothing tight around her thighs and she still wasn't happy until I finally put her pretty princess shoes on her! The next day she was back to her old self of being happy and silly. In the last picture someone forgot to close the guest bathroom so needless to say Morgan got all the toilet paper!

Sept 24th the play group had a family night out and we all went to Chili's for their fundraiser for St. Jude's. It was fun even though Stephen couldn't come due to school. Over all she was really good, probably because of all the kids she got entertained by!

Here is a silly side of Morgan and Momma and Dada as well!!

Morgan is getting to be a big girl now and prefers a regular chair over her high chair. She's a monkey alright!! haha

Morgan's Grammy brought her back some princess shoes from St. Louis! Morgan loves them dearly! She would sleep in them if I would let her! haha

We went to the Children's Museum on 9/11 and even though I am behind on updating I am now attempting to catch up, so please bear with me! Morgan loved the toddler room the most! She not only tried to drive a play car but also gave the car gas and ran around the room messing with all the knobs and door bells there were to play with on the walls. She loved it and she can't wait to go back. Stephen was really glad that he got to take off work to go see that Morgan had a blast!